Welcome to medskl.com

medskl.com has been designed for medical school students and practicing physicians to learn and review the fundamentals of clinical medicine.

medskl.com's library of content comes from a collaboration of nearly 200 of the best medical school professors from around the world. We believe in free and open access to medical educational materials (FOAMEd). All modules undergo an editorial peer-review process.

Our mission at medskl.com is to help reach ALL medical students around the world and help them become outstanding clinicians.

Welcome to medskl.com,

Sanjay Sharma MD, MS (Epid), MBA Editor-in-Chief Professor of Ophthalmology & Epidemiology, Queen's University

Medical Faculty

180+ leading medical professors from around the world.


Comprehensive Courses

In depth modules that cover the spectrum of clinical presentations.


Open Education

The core educational curriculum at medskl.com is always free. Access medskl.com from wherever you like, on any device, at any time.